Southern Fried Funeral

Dewey Frye is dead and the rest of his family is left to pick up the pieces -- that is if they don't kill each other first. Not only does matriarch Dorothy have to contend with sudden widowhood, but she's also faced with church-committee harpy Ozella Meeks sticking her nose in the family business, Dewey's snake-in-the-grass brother making a grab for her house, and two grown daughters reliving their childhood rivalry. Funerals bring out the worst, the best, and the funniest in people, and the Fryes are no exception. A big-hearted comedy about family -- Southern-style. Logan Country Club, Chapmanville, WV October 28-30 & Nov 4-6, 2022 CAST & CREATIVES Production Staff Melissa Frye- Director Melissa is thrilled to once again be directing a show at Logan Country Club! Dinner and a comedy! What could be better!!!! Melissa is a graduate of Marshall University where she received her B.A. in Music Education. While at Marshall, she was a 2-time award winner of ...