Southern Fried Nuptials


Harlene Frye is going to marry her childhood sweetheart this weekend . . . assuming the typical Frye family hijinks don’t derail the wedding! Harlene and Attie’s future together is threatened when the bride-to-be’s awful ex-flame shows up with information she doesn’t want her fiancé finding out. And Harlene’s not the only Frye keeping secrets: Sammy Jo refuses to tell her family she’s moving even though all her bags are already packed. As if that isn’t enough, Dewey can’t figure out why people keep on asking him to give his sister away and busybody Ozella Meeks has somehow ended up as the wedding coordinator. Will the Fryes be able to get Harlene down the aisle in one piece? A bighearted comedy about family—Southern-style.

Logan Country Club, Chapmanville, WV

Feb 3-5. 10-12, & 14, 2022


Production Creatives

Melissa Frye- 

Melissa is thrilled to once again be directing a show at Logan Country Club! Dinner and a comedy! What could be better!!!!
Melissa is a graduate of Marshall University where she received her B.A. in Music Education. While at Marshall, she was a 2-time award winner of the Eloise Campbell Long Vocal Scholarship. She taught chorus, theatre, piano, and general music for 26 years in Logan County. Over the years, Melissa had the privilege of being a vocal and audition coach to many people who have gone on to perform with many diverse theatrical organizations.

Melissa has worked professionally as an actor at Theatre West Virginia and Jenny Wiley Summer Music Theater. While living in NYC she studied voice with Harry Garland (vocal coach of Faith Prince, Tony winner for "Guys and Dolls" and Jodi Benson, voice of the Little Mermaid) and audition techniques from Sara Louise Lazarus (Broadway's "Grease" and coach at the Tony award winning theater, Papermill Playhouse).

Some of Melissa's favorite acting roles are Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz,” Fanny Brice in " Funny Girl,” Peter in "Peter Pan,” Miss Hannigan in "Annie,” Rizzo in "Grease,” Ginger in " 1940's Radio Hour,” Louise in "Always, Patsy Cline,” Anita in "West Side Story,” and Lizzie in "Baby.” Among her directing credits are "The Wizard of Oz,” "Bye Bye Birdie,” “Grease,” “Mama Mia", "Always, Patsy Cline,” "Honky Tonk Angels,” “Steel Magnolias", "Dearly Departed,” “Aladdin Jr.", and "Frozen Jr."

Melissa is the mother of Jackson and Griffin Frye. In her free time she enjoys reading her Bible, decorating for holidays, and spending time with her sister's family. Melissa is celebrating her 40th anniversary with The Aracoma Story, Inc. this year.

“Thank you to the hardworking cast and crew of Southern Fried Funeral! I’ve had a ball creating this with all of you! I sure hope the audience wears their Depends! They’re gonna need it!”
—-Melissa Frye

Dawn Hopson - Technical Director

Dawn has worked construction, Art Dept., and tech on more sets than she can count but some of those included are: "The Aracoma Story", "Coal", "Beauty and the Beast", "Bye Bye Birdie", "Heading for the Hills", "The Effects of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds","Always, Patsy Cline", "Grease", "Ducktails & Bobbysox", and "Willy Wonka."

Catherine Baldwin - Stage Manager

Catherine Baldwin is the daughter of Billy and Jeanni Baldwin. In her free time, she enjoys writing, reading, listening to music and theatre. She was previously involved in The Aracoma Story Inc.'s productions of "Deadly Divide", "Mamie", "Coal" and "The Aracoma Story," both acting onstage and helping out behind the scenes. Catherine is thrilled to be working with TAS once again!

Staci Bailey - Props/Backstage Crew

Staci is excited to be part of "Southern Fried Nuptials". Although you will never see her onstage, Staci has been a part of many shows since she began taking her niece Maddy to rehearsals 11 years ago. She has painted sets, done props, worked name it.  Some of her favorite shows she has been a part of include "Shrek", "Mama Mia", "Dracula" and "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". Staci is proud to serve as Secretary for The Aracoma Story Board of Directors. When she isn't doing something for a show, Staci works at Boone Memorial Hospital and also designs and makes shirts under SMBDesigns.

Keith Stephens - Lightboard Operator

Keith is always willing to gather up this tools and show up to help with building set pieces. He has been volunteering time for many years and enjoys teaching others how to build. Keith is retired from Hobet Mining and resides at Julien with his wife Rachael.

Luke Saunders
 - Sound Engineer

Luke Saunders is the son of Geoffrey and Robin Saunders. He is a freshman at Chapmanville Regional High School where he is a member of the Chamber Choir and tennis team. Luke has performed in 16 local theater productions, most recently in Charlotte’s Web (Appalachian Players Guild) Moana (Southern Coalition for the Arts) and Ring of Fire: The Music of Johnny Cash (The Aracoma Story, Inc.). Luke enjoys learning about astronomy,  geography, and his latest obsession: Flags of the World.

Jason McCoy
 - Sound Tracks

Jason McCoy and his wife, Tamala, reside at Pecks Mill. He Is a graduate of Logan High School and a Board member of the Aracoma Story Inc. Jason and his wife are faithful and active members of the West Logan Church. He has participated in several plays including "Deadly Divide" in which he played Asa Harmon McCoy- Jason's Great, Great Great grandfather. Needless to say, Jason was elated to be playing that role. He portrayed Jake Coleman in the 2021 production of "Coal" and this past summer he portrayed Chief Cornstalk in  "The Aracoma Story." He has made a lot of wonderful friends being a part of The Aracoma Story Inc.

Janie Adkins - Costumer/Backstage Crew

Janie is the Costumer/Seamstress for TAS.   She has been a TAS family member since 2014.  She has performed in numerous productions over that time. Janie enjoys all the TAS productions because she gets to work and/or perform with her TAS family members.

C'Anna Decker - Hair/Wigs

C'anna Decker is a cosmetologist who graduated from Appalachian Beauty school. C'anna will be offering a wide range of services in her salon "The Beauty Shop" opening in the Logan area, but enjoys blonding services and hair extensions most. She is a resident of Verdunville. C'anna's hobbies include art and baking.  She is beyond excited and honored to be helping The Aracoma Story Inc. with hair and wigs for "Southern Fried Funeral."

Markie Lee Dunn II - Set Construction

Markie isn't just a pretty face on stage-he gets his hands dirty behind the scenes as well.  In the one year he has been involved with community theatre, he has worked on the construction and/or decoration of every set: "Coal", "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", "The Aracoma Story", "Charlotte's Web", and "Southern Fried Funeral."

Mike Hopson - Set Construction 

This marks Mike's third experience with community theatre. He got his start in theatre this past summer as Chief Logan in "The Aracoma Story". He followed that with his first taste of musical theatre in The ARTS's production of Moana as Chief Tui.  You will be able to see him on stage again soon in Southern's "Rock of Ages."  While Mike loves to entertain, the arts take backseat to his real passion: powerlifting.  He currently holds 24 total powerlifting records: 8 National records and 16 State records. He will compete in a Strong Man competition in March. Make is a Sophmore at Man High School where he plays football, is on the wrestling team, and plays soccer. In his spare time, Mike likes candlelit protein shakes shared with someone special, long walks  on the beach, and playing guitar.

Jerry Dale Ellis  - Set Construction

Dale is the 15-year-old son of Ashley and Josh Goodman of Man and the late Jerry Dale Ellis.  Aside from having performed in numerous grade school pageants, this is Dale's first experience with theatre.  His hobbies include art, painting,gardening with his Grandma Sue, whittling things from wood, honing his survival skills with all things outdoors and going hunting with his uncle Chopper Cantrell.  He also enjoys spending time globe trotting with his Uncle Chopper and Aunt Sherry, seeing the world and making memories.

Shade Hopson - Scenic Painter

Shade made her TAS Inc. on-stage debut in the 2009 production of "The Aracoma Story." Since then she has been involved with set decorating various productions including "Beauty and the Beast," "Coal", and "The Aracoma Story."  She is a 2018 graduate of Man High School and the daughter of Dawn Hopson of Man and Eric Hoover of Charleston.

Sue Hopson - Scenic Painter

Sue has spent many summers helping TAS Inc. behind the scenes.  A former cosmetologist, she did wigs for "The Aracoma Story" and "The Shawnee Living History Trail" as well as "Logan's Trail on the Guyandotte", a historical reenactment she co-wrote and directed at Paradise Island at Christian from 1993 to 1997.  Before doing hair, Sue worked as a licensed interior designer.  TAS Inc. sets she has decorated in the past include "The Aracoma Story", "Coal", "Beauty and the Beast", and "Willy Wonka."


Kaity Dingess - Harlene Juniper Frye

Kaity is the 23 old daughter of Rebekah and the late David Earl Dingess of Chapmanville. She has been involved in shows for over then years with various companies including TAS Inc., Southern Coalition, Appalachian Players Guild and Southern Theater. Kaity was recently seen on stage as Dream Teller in the 2022 production of  "The Aracoma Story" and Lurvey in APG's production of "Charlotte's Web." In her free time, Kaity can be found working at Gino's Pizza in Chapmanville.

Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Saunders - Atticus van Leer

Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Saunders resides in Chapmanville, WV with Robin, his wife of 24 years. He has two sons, Dakota and Luke. He is an educator of 20+ years and currently serves as pastor of Bethel Baptist Church in South Charleston. This is his fourth Aracoma Story, Inc. show. His roles include Jonathan Harker (Dracula), Perry Cline (Deadly Divide), and Elf (the Manager). He has also portrayed Horace Gilmer in To Kill a Mockingbird (Southern Coalition for the Arts), Juror #8 in 12 Angry Men, Wilbur in Charlotte’s Web (both for Appalachian Players Guild), and Warren in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Southern WV Community and Technical College). He holds B.S. (Physics), M.S. (Environmental Science), and M.A. (Teaching) degrees from Marshall University; an A.A.S. (Business Accounting) degree from Southern WV Community and Technical College; and M.A.R. (Pastoral Counseling), M.Div. (Pastor/Preaching), and D.Min. (Expository Preaching and Teaching) degrees from Liberty University. He enjoys running, playing tennis, performing in shows, and reading.

Sybil Vance - Dorothy Frye

Sybil Vance is a proud mother and grandmother. She resides in Harts, WV. Her priorities are God and family. She began her love of theater in the SWVCC productions of "Shenandoah" and "Oklahoma." She was the opening act for Jerry Lee Lewis in 2003 at the Times Union Theater in Jacksonville, FL. She has been in several TAS productions both behind the scenes and on stage. She has performed in both productions of "Mamie" as Hazel the gossip lady, "Steel Magnolias" as Ouiser, "The Beverly Hillbillies" as Cousin Pearl and "Coal" as Eleanora. She would like to thank The Aracoma Story Inc. for this opportunity and hopes to continue her love of theater through them.

Marksie Lee Dunn II - Dewey Frye Jr.

Marskie Dunn II is the 19-yr-old son of Ashley and Josh Goodman and Marksie and Crystal Dunn of Man. He is a former student of Man High School. His acting credits include "The Aracoma Story" (Boling Baker), "Coal" (Robert Farley), "Charlotte's Web" (Gander), and "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" (Aid Williams). His hobbies include . Playing Fortnite, watching football, helping his family, and trying his hardest to impersonate Forrest Gump.

Rachael Stephens - Martha Ann

Rachael is a veteran performer who has enjoyed working with various local theatre groups through the years since her very first show in 1988. She has performed with The Appalachian Community Theatre (ACT), The Aracoma Story Inc., Southern Coalition for the Arts, and The Guyandotte Players. Some of her favorites include "Steel Magnolias" (Clairee), "Wizard of Oz" (Auntie Em), "Cinderella" (Queen Constantina), "The Aracoma Story" (Dream Teller), "Willie Wonka" (Grandma Georgina), "Annie" (Ms. Pugh), "Footloose" (Ethel McCormick), "Southern Fried Funeral" (Dorothy), "Southern Fried Nuptials" (Dorothy), "Smoke on the Mountain/Saunders Family Christmas" (Maude), and several Murder Mystery performances.

Rachael is the current president of ACT, helps with props for S.T.A.G.E. productions for students at Boone County Schools, is active in her community and volunteers for several other local organizations.

Rachael retired as Payroll Clerk for Boone County Commission. She wants to give a shout out to her husband, Keith, who is her biggest supporter and helps with props and set building for most of her shows.

Cindy Armstrong - 
Fairy June

Cindy Armstrong( Fairy June) is the wife of John Armstrong of Holden, WV. She is a member of Cornerstone Family Fellowship Church of Whitman, WV. She is Memaw to Avery Hale and Nana to Graci, Palmer, Maggi and Will Armstrong. Cindy has performed in several TAS productions including Aracoma Story, Mamie, Deadly Divide, Steel Magnolia and Dearly Departed. Cindy would like to thank the Aracoma Story, Inc , director Melissa Frye and her fellow actors in the production of Southern Fried Funeral.

Griffin Frye - Carter Canfield 

Griffin Frye is no stranger to the stage. His first role with TAS was the Mayor of the Munchkins in "The Wizard of Oz". He was last seen in the 2022 summer production of "Ring of Fire". Other favorite roles include the Orin Scrivello in "Little Shop of Horrors", Prince/Wolf in "Into the Woods", Schroeder in "A Charlie Brown Christmas", Genie in "Aladdin Jr.", and Kristoff in "Frozen Jr.". He performed with Camp Broadway in the 2017 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Griffin was chosen for the 2022 Governor's School for the Arts. He was a member of ACDA All-State Chamber Choir along with WVMEA All-State Choir. Griffin is a junior at Chapmanville Regional High School where he is vice president and treasurer of Tri-M Music Honor Society, chamber choir, and theatre class. He studies voice with Broadway veteran Bruce S. Rous. Griffin’s acting coach is three-time Tony Award Nominee, Beth Baur. He also studies dance with Rob Royce. Griffin is the son of Melissa R. Frye and the late Jim Frye.

Anne Justice - Sammy Jo Frye-LeFette

Anne Justice is from Pike County KY. She is a middle school Spanish teacher in Mingo County, WV and enjoys creating videos for her YouTube channel, playing ukelele, and walking her dog, Charlie. Anne loves to spend time with her friends and family as well as serve at her church, East Point Fellowship Church. In her spare time, Anne likes to hike and enjoy a good ice cream cone. 

Anne has participated in several shows throughout her life. Some of Anne’s favorite roles include Grandma Taylor in “A Cricket County Christmas”, Rosie in “Mamma Mia” and Granny Clampett in “The Beverly Hillbillies”. 

Mitch Vance - Beecham LeFette

Mitch Vance resides in Harts, WV, where he is a Lincoln County School bus driver. He is Vice President for the board of The Aracoma Story, Inc. and has been a part of the TAS family since his first role in the 2015 production of "Mamie." His roles include Uncle Jedd in "The Beverly Hillbillies", the Narrator in "Coal", the Narrator in the 2019 TAS Production of "Mamie" for which he won the West Virginia Broadway Award for "Best Actor in a Play"; and, most recently, the Mountain Man in "The Aracoma Story", which was a childhood dream come true. This show sparked his love of theater and left him with a desire for more and for this he would like to say "Thank you," to The Aracoma Story, Inc.

Dawn Hopson - Ozella Meeks

Dawn Hopson has been a part of the TAS family for over 30 years, having worked both onstage and behind the scenes. She attended Piedmont Community College in Yanceyville, NC, where she majored in Film, Video, and Animation. While in North Carolina, Dawn volunteered with Paperhand Puppet Intervention and worked professionally with the North Carolina Children's Theatre, The Dinner Detective Murder Mystery Theatre, The Hollywood Horror Show, and Kersey Valley Spooky Woods. She worked as a Simulation Actor for High Point University Schools of Medicine, Pharmacology, and Physical Therapy, UNC Greensboro School of Nursing, and Duke University as well as several first responder agencies including Danville Fire Department and Burlington City Police. 

Her film credits include "Murder on the Dance Floor" (Julie House), "The Holy Heist" (Patty Jefferson), "Our War" (Samantha), and "The Haunting of Four Points" (Gilly), and as a patient and caretaker in "Social Determinant of Health Interactive Cases", which is a series interactive videos used to educate nursing students nationwide. Her theatrical credits include "The Aracoma Story" (Aracoma, Nonhelema, Oceana, Katheryn, Snow Lilly), "The Crucible" (Tituba), "Grease" (Rizzo), "Bye Bye Birdie" (Gloria Rasputin), "The Nerd" (Tansy McGinnis), "Annie" (Edie, Mrs. Greer), "Ducktails & Bobbysox" (Alice), "Headin' for the Hills" (Miss Winslow), "The Effects of Gamma Rays on Man-In-The -Moon Marigolds" (Ruth), and "Coal" (Sarah), for which her performance earned her Broadway World's award for "Best Supporting Actress in a Play." She was most recently the Assistant Director of "The Aracoma Story" and is a member of The Aracoma Story Inc. Board of Directors. Dawn is currently a student of Arizona State University where she is getting her TESOL Certification to teach English as a second language.

Steve Gray - 
Vester Pickins

Steve Gray has served on the Aracoma Story Board of Directors since 2015. He is a retired electrician and magistrate. Steve is the father of two daughters and two stepsons. He has seven grandchildren from ages eight to twenty four. He has been cast or crew for over twenty shows.

Exclusive Content

Click for an EXCLUSIVE behind the scenes look at the Bach  parties in action!

A special "Thank You" to our sponsors & friends who helped make this production possible!

Guyan Service Company 
Senator Rupie Phillips
 Cook & Cook, Attorneys at Law
Denny Frost & Friends
Superior Pocahontas
Kristina McNeely
Joel McNeely
Rob Kuenzel, Attorney
Logan County Commission
WSAZ Studio 3
WVOW What’s Your Opinion
Noah & Jeremiah McNeely

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